Project Description
Karl F. Seidman Consulting Services formulated an updated Economic Development Strategic Plan for South Portland, Maine, a small but thriving coastal city of 25,000. The project scope included economic, demographic, and real estate market analysis, SWOT analysis, development of plan options, and preparation of the final plan. Extensive community engagement included many stakeholder interviews, a resident survey, two community meetings, and two city council meetings. The final plan included strategies to strengthen South Portland’s brand and identity in the region, entrepreneurial development initiatives, workforce development programs and local economic development capacity building.
City of South Portland and its Economic Development Committee
This strategic plan was adopted by the City Council and led to the hiring of a full-time Economic Development Manager. Implemented initiatives include expanded marketing and business development initiative and an annual Business Awards Program.

Karl F. Seidman Consulting Services advises clients on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of economic development strategies, policies and programs and on the analysis, planning and financing of real estate development projects.